pymailq – Simple Postfix queue management

The pymailq package makes it easy to view and control Postfix mails queue. It provide several classes to store, view and interact with mail queue using Postfix command line tools. This module is provided for automation and monitoring.

The pymailq package defines the following attribute:

pymailq.DEBUG = False

Boolean to control activation of the debug() decorator.

pymailq.VERSION = '0.7.0'

Current version of the package as str.

pymailq.CONFIG = dict()

Module configuration as dict.

The pymailq package defines the following decorators:


Decorator to print some call informations and timing debug on stderr.

Function’s name, passed args and kwargs are printed to stderr. Elapsed time is also print at the end of call. This decorator is based on the value of DEBUG. If True, the debug informations will be displayed.


Load module configuration from .ini file

Information from this file are directly used to override values stored in pymailq.CONFIG.

Commands from configuration file are treated using shlex.split() to properly transform command string to list of arguments.

Parameters:cfg_file (str) – Configuration file

The pymailq package provides the following submodules: